Solutions to Farming in High Salinity Soils
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Solutions to Farming in High Salinity Soils

Salinity is the measure of the total amount of soluble salt in the soil. As the amount of salt increases, it becomes more difficult for the plant to extract the water out of the soil.

High salinity soils in farms and gardens is becoming a worldwide problem. High concentrations of salt impact crops in a number of ways, from a reduction in yield all of the way to total crop failure.

In fact, the United Nations “estimates that 2,000 hectares of farmland (nearly 8 square miles) of farmland is ruined daily by salt degradation. So far, nearly 20 percent of the world’s farmland has been degraded, an area approximately the size of France.”

The rest of this article will discuss 4 solutions to farming in high salinity soils. While there are other methods used, these are the most common and generally the most successful.

Improving Drainage and Leaching

First, if adequate water sources and good drainage are available, the soils can be washed (leached) to remove the excess salt. Drainage is an absolute must, because the water must move through soil and not just run off the surface.

Select and Plant Salt Tolerant Crops

Plants widely vary in their salt tolerance. One method to control saline soils is to plant crops that have a high salt tolerance. Crops selection varies greatly by climate so check with your local farm extension bureau to determine the appropriate crops in your area.

Use Biofertilizers containing Bacillus subtilis GB03.

Biofertilizers are living microorganisms that are used to help plants grow more efficiently. Biofertilizers take advantage of microbe plant interactions. These interactions are synergistic. In other words, they are beneficial for both the plant and the microorganism.

One beneficial microorganism that is used for high salinity soils is Bacillus subtilis GB03. This particular microorganism is a bacteria that was found in soils that had a high salt concentration. B. subtilis GB03 have been shown to promote growth promotion and reduce some types of plant stress. This bacterium is also helpful for the plant in seed germination. Additionally, it has proved valuable in both drought and salt tolerance.

Applying Chemical Treatments

Applying chemical treatments is another way to treat high salinity soils. However, this method can be time consuming and expensive. It is best to consult with an expert before trying to chemically treat your soils to reduce salinity.

Many soils will require more than one of the above methods to treat high salinity soils.


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